The stakes are high when hiring a sales team. Make the wrong decision, and your company’s revenue could dry up like Southern California. And sales experts say the cost of a hiring mistake can be as much as six or ten times a sales person’s salary.
If you’re a human resources rep or manager who needs to know how to hire sales people in a hurry, then here’s a simple checklist to follow to end up with the perfect candidate for the job:
Get Your House In Order…
We know how busy sales team leaders and business people can be, but don’t rush through the job hiring process. Before you post a job listing online, make sure all the information is correct. You’d be surprised how quickly a job listing can become dated or obsolete, so make sure it’s still relevant for the current opening. Then, review it carefully for typos. A great job listing is first steps in learning how to hire sales people.
The best candidates won’t apply to a firm that can’t even handle small things like this.
How Do They Present Themselves?
Often times common wisdom and popular sayings are total bull, but sometimes they’re dead on. And it’s true, selling really is a social business. The best sales people know how to groom and dress themselves not just adequately, or appropriately, but fashionably.
Now, we’re not saying the candidate should look like they just stepped off a fashion runway, but if they can’t look their best for a job interview, can you trust them to go out on sales calls or meet important clients?
What’s A Sales Staffing Agency?
According to sales recruitment firms, managers report that of all the 22 million sales professionals in North America, 40% won’t make their quotas, while as few as 10% will actually provide a return on investment.
So for companies who need to hire only the top candidates, sales staffing agencies manage the hiring process from start to finish. They perform basic HR tasks like screening candidates, as well as placing them where they have the best chance for success. Some sales staffing companies also provide ongoing training.
Where Do You See Yourself In Five Years?
It’s time to put away this interview cliche. If your candidate could tell the future, they wouldn’t be working for you. And anyway, the best interviewees will simply tell you what you want to hear.
However, because most sales people have only been with their company for a year or less, you do need to find out if they’ll stick with the job. So instead of asking vague questions about the future, try and talk specifics to determine what their plans are. Questions like, “Do you prefer commission?” or “Would you be willing to sign a two-year contract?”
If you’re wondering how to hire sales people this year, then these four questions are a great place to start. Good luck!