Author: Fred

  • Starting a Business? Make Things Smooth and Easy With a Quick Working Capital Loan

    For many people who are thinking of starting their own business, the first few months seem the most difficult. There are so many things to do and very little by way of margin of error. You need to put your finger on some good office space, hire the first of your staff, get things fitted…

  • How to Clean Out Clogged Drains Without Using Chemicals!

    Hair: the number one clogger of drains in residential areas. Even in a house where there lives just the two of us, every few months, you can turn on the shower and the base of the shower will just start to fill up. The drain is usually working just extremely slowly and definitely not enough…

  • The Truth Behind Five Elevator Myths

    The modern elevator is a nightmare to anyone with claustrophobia, not to mention the subject of much cursing as they round the third flight of a 20-floor climb. How can you blame them either when watching any movie showing an elevator about to plummet to its doom? Clearly, modern elevators are flimsy, dangerous things. Odd,…

  • Why Your Company Should Hire a Cannabis Consultant

    Cannabis is a quickly growing industry in the United States. According to the National Conference of States Legislatures, medical marijuana is currently legal in 23 states and the District of Colombia, and recreational cannabis use is legal in Alaska, Colorado, Oregon and Washington, with 14 more states having to some degree decriminalized possession of limited…