Author: Fred

  • Part Suppliers for Cruise Ships

    One major part of the tourism industry is cruising, which carries over 19 million passengers worldwide and accounting for $29.4 billion worth of tourism moneys spent .The rapid growth of the cruise ship industry, which has seen about nine new ships that cater to North American and European clientele being built each year since 2001,…

  • Don’t Let a Sunken Driveway Get You Down

    Have you ever considered your driveway? It’s just not something a homeowner often thinks of even as they come and go from their house daily. But that expanse of concrete or asphalt is important real estate on your property and should be given proper attention. Usually, a one-car driveway is at least eight feet wide;…

  • Tips for Hiring Sales People

    Hiring sales people can be challenging. It is worth your time to make an extra effort in finding the right candidate. Your company can end up spending between eight and nine times the person?s salary if you hire the wrong person. Only about 10% of sales people in America will have a positive return on…

  • How to Modernize Your Business a Crash-Course on Digital Spending

    The internet has seriously changed how consumers shop and businesses sell, for this reason many businesses are rebuilding their business from the ground-up to reflect these changes. For the small business looking to modernize, the net can become an overwhelming place to gleen information on how best to adapt; what follows is a summary to…