Author: Fred

  • Improve Efficiency and Customer Service by Working With Virtual Answering Services

    “The idea of prosthetics is a tool. Most people’s cell phones are prosthetics. If you leave your cell phone at home, you feel impacted by not having it. It’s an important part of your daily function and what you can do in a day.” — Aimee Mullins In the business world, phones are a particularly…

  • How a Human Resource System Can Help Your Business

    To run a successful company, a lot of things have to be managed, and managed well: you have to make sure your business has a reputation as being a good place to work, that you can identify candidates with potential to make great employees, that you can train those that you do hire to work…

  • Effective Labeling Imperative to Heading Off Competition

    Just like all industries, the packaging industry is making leaps and bounds over what it was even a few years ago. The shrink sleeve label, for example, has changed the face of marketing and labeling. With 360 degree marketing, heat shrink sleeves seamlessly cover your packaging with whatever branding graphics your team can dream up.…