Differences Between 3 Main Types of LED Signs
Part of owning a successful business is being able to keep up with the competition. If you’re wanting people to be able to easily find your business, you know that signage is critically important. Considering that, you’ll want to know that 2019 estimates predict LEDs will obtain a 53% penetration of the global lighting market.…
How Winter Temperatures Will Make Your Business’ Brightly-Lit Signs Go Dark
When driving around this winter, you might notice many illuminated outdoor business signs that are anything but. That’s because when the temperatures drop, the neon and fluorescent-lit signs that adorn many business’ facades will go out. If it’s just one or two letters in the business’ name, the sign’s appearance will likely make potential customers…
Three Ways Signs Can Benefit Your Business
You’re probably spending a lot of time these days worrying about the internet and how you can effectively market your business in the digital age. That can be equal parts complicated and beneficial, but if you’re overlooking your physical business space, you’re missing out on a really easy and important way to advertise. Here are…