Month: July 2014

  • Two Common Types of Precision Cutting Tools

    Did you know that more than 12 million Americans are employed by the manufacturing industry? However, in order for these workers to do their jobs correctly, they must have access to the right tools. Fortunately, there are two common types of aluminum cutters available, and both precision cutting tools are beneficial in their own ways.…

  • Three Important Tips to Help Make Your Home More Secure

    Believe it or not, the FBI estimates that there are about 2,222,196 burglaries in the United Sates every year, which means that there are 6,101 burglaries every day and one burglary every 14.16 seconds. Instead of letting yourself become another statistic for the FBI to count, protect yourself. Here are a few tips to help!…

  • What is a Virtual Office?

    The idea for virtual offices was born from the Information Age as a way to maximize productivity while cutting down on the overhead costs of a physical workspace. The rise of home-based and mobile business has created a never-before-seen demand for flexible workplace solutions, and the online virtual office is at the forefront of a…

  • Take Caution Before You Auction