Month: July 2016

  • How a Familiar Material is Helping to Save the Planet

    When it comes to versatile material that everyone seems to have at least some use for, cardboard ranks quite highly. Whether you are in need of cardboard mailer boxes or are looking to create a retail packaging design, or your project is a bit simpler, like making a poster or packing things up to move…

  • The Top 3 Things Business Owners Should Keep in Mind When it Come to Designing Custom Mailer Boxes

    Everyone knows that they shouldn’t judge a book or a product by its cover, but everyone still does it anyway. After all consumers are inherently highly visual, a trait passed down long ago by ancient hunter-gatherer ancestors, so it’s exceedingly difficult not to judge a product based on its packaging. But fear not! Business owners…

  • Grow Your Business with Great Commercial Signs

    You want to get more people in the door of your business. Commercial business signs offer more visibility to the businesses that use them. When asked, 35% of consumers say they only found a business because they saw the sign. When customers go into a Best Buy, nearly 17% say they did so because they…

  • 9 Reasons Your Business Should Accept Credit Cards

    For businesses in today’s economy, it’s accept credit cards as a means of payment or risk going under. Customers are no longer interested in carrying cash and many younger consumers probably don’t even know what a check is let alone how to fill one out. It’s all about going cashless and making payments via credit…