In our internet economy today, the best web design experts are a necessity when crafting your company’s website. However, not only does that site need to look good on a laptop or desktop computer–it also needs to appear polished and professional on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. When hiring a graphic web design company, you need to be sure to hire not just for looks on traditional web platforms but also for functionality and style across all devices.
Think you don’t need to care about mobile web design when hiring a designer? Think again! These four facts say otherwise:
1. Mobile users want information as quickly and easily as possible. In a survey by Google, three-quarters of mobile device users (i.e. those on smartphones and tablets) said that they want to be able to find what they need on a website within one or two clicks. If that information isn’t available on a home page, they need a search bar that is easy to find and use. A mobile user on the go doesn’t have time to scan through pages and pages of information, so present basics such as hours, location, and contact info as prominently as possible.
2. In the same survey, 48% of users stated that if a website doesn’t work well on a mobile device, they feel it reflects poorly on that business. Having a website incompatible with smartphones and tablets shows a lack of professionalism and makes users think that that business doesn’t care about its customers. Hiring a graphic web design company that can make your site mobile-friendly or offer a simplified mobile version for your business is the best way to prevent mobile users from seeking out your competition during an internet search.
3. In addition to lack of professionalism, lacking a mobile-friendly website can also affect your bottom line. Sixty-seven percent of survey respondents claim that they are more likely to purchase goods or services from a website that is also mobile-friendly. Even if users order a product on their desktop or laptop computers, those same customers may want to check the website for order status or to leave a review on a mobile device at a later date. For those users who primarily use a mobile device for online transactions, a number that is steadily increasing today, not having a mobile-friendly web design for your company means losing their business.
4. Losing the business of mobile users means taking a big hit financially for many companies. Mobile commerce (sometimes called “MCommerce”) is a growing industry, and it’s estimated that mobile users will spend a staggering $119 billion on their phones and tablets alone. Businesses without mobile-compliant devices will lose a large share of those potential earnings.
Don’t let your business suffer because you haven’t kept up with the latest technology. Be sure to seek a graphic web design company that can provide mobile design and support. Find a designer who can make sure that your website will appear across all platforms and devices, so you don’t lose business from anyone.