91% of all U.S. citizens have their mobile device within reach 24/7, but if you’re among the 9% who doesn’t bring their phone everywhere they go, you might want to consider a 24 hour answering service to make sure your calls are being answered professionally and promptly. A 24 hour answering service is generally most beneficial for businesses that consistently receive high volume calls, but small businesses can benefit as well. If you’re considering investing in a phone answering service or specialty answering service, here’s what you should know.
A 24 hour answering service can add a level of professionalism that you just don’t see in other business models. Put yourself on the other end of the line for a minute — wouldn’t you rather talk to a real, live person than be stuck listening to prerecorded or robotic menus? Press ‘1’ for ‘no thanks!’
If your business has odd hours of operation, don’t worry. a 24 hour answering service can be suited and adjusted to meet every one of your and your customers’ needs. Each plan is optimized so you and your customers get the service they deserve.
If you’re thinking, “there must be a catch,” think again. A 24 hour cheap answering service is affordably priced to fit right into your budget. It will not only save you money, but it’s proven to increase customer satisfaction and keep them coming back time and time again.
Needless to say, a 24 hour answering service will turn one-time customers into lifetime customers. Having the security of being able to call your business at any time, day or night will definitely make a difference in how they perceive not only your business but your personal values as well. They’ll see and understand that you care about meeting each and every one of their needs with every call. Every call will increase customer satisfaction rates and prove to your customers just how much their business means to you.
If you want to stay in business, having a 24 hour operating service is essential to creating happy customers. You don’t like talking to a robot machine, so why would anyone else? Invest in a 24 hour answering service and watch your business change from basic and boring to better-than-ever.