Any business requires offices for its managers and other leaders, but some industries call for different office arrangements than others. In a conventional office building, for example, the offices are set in place, but the same is not true for factory or warehouse offices. Instead, warehouse offices tend to be more mobile, and modular offices may prove popular for customizing the size and locations of offices. Warehouse offices can also be mobile with this design, and even an entire modular office building may be possible. Some warehouse offices may be inside the warehouse itself, or they may be set up nearby. these warehouse offices can be set up and taken back down again with relatively little effort, and modular offices have proven effective many times. How are modular office walls and rooms built, and why are they so convenient and practical for warehouses and other sites?
Pre Fabricated Modular Offices
An office space may be easier to set up, take back down, and transport than any other type of office space. A rough analog may be how a camper can set up a tent anywhere and conveniently take it back down and transport it elsewhere. Business is hardly camping, but the basic idea is the same: mobile indoor spaces. This may sound complex and difficult for factories to manufacture, but in fact, the opposite is true. These pre-fabricated, modular office spaces are easier and cheaper to manufacture than other building types, and they are more affordable than permanent office premises. These often prove effective: FMI’s 2013 Prefabrication and Modulariziation in Construction survey was conducted to look into this, and the results were clear. Over 40% of contractors who responded said that their prefabricated and modular construction capabilities as part of their company’s strategic initiative. After all, construction with modular technology can reduce energy consumption during the construction process by 67% or so. This can also reduce energy costs for occupants later on.
Modular building technology has proven popular in many sectors of industry across the United States and elsewhere, such as for warehouse offices and more. Even apartments and hospitals can be built making use of modular technology’s capabilities. Around 90% of an engineers, 84% of contractors, and 76% or architects say that they make use of prefab or modular construction in at least some of their projects. Back in 2011, this construction method was popular for particular commercial applications. To illustrate this, 49% of workforce respondents said that they used such methods for healthcare facility construction, 42% use them for dormitories, and 42% use them for manufacturing site construction. Even hotels and apartments may be built this way.
It is not particularly difficult to create these modular or pre fabricated materials. In fact, since they are made indoors in a factory or warehouse for the most part, projects can be completed much faster with these methods in place. The Building Industry Association of Philadelphia, meanwhile, noted that using modular construction can cut building costs by as much as 9-20% or so, which can be a real relief for project managers on a budget. Meanwhile, the UK’s WRAP, or Waste and Resources Action Programme, found that modular construction is capable of reducing waste materials by up to 90%, making this efficient work indeed. Materials such as cement, concrete, wood pallets, timber, and even shrinkwrap and cardboard are used much more efficiently when modular construction methods are employed.
The end result is either a permanent building that is easy to fit together with pre fabricated pieces, or a small building that is entirely mobile. In the latter case, modular and pre fabricated technology is very useful when an office will exist in a location for only a short time. This can be used, for example, when a warehouse is rented and the renter will eventually end the lease. Modular, mobile technology is also used for construction managers who will only have their office on a construction site for a set time. Once the project is over, the office can be taken apart and moved elsewhere as needed. This mobile office may be taken to another project site, for example, or packed up for storage for the time being. This offers a great degree of flexibility that many will appreciate.