One of the best things about building a trade show exhibit display is showing the world what you do for a living. Not everyone enjoys their job, but it can be wonderful to show off what it is like to walk a day in your shoe as well as what is new in your line of work if you do enjoy your profession. Plus, it is likely an opportunity to travel as there is a fifty fifty chance your trade show display exhibit will be going to Las Vegas, Chicago or Orlando.
Arts and crafts are an enjoyable, but time consuming way to spend your time. The crafting of trade show display exhibits are a particularly time consuming one as the amount of professionalism you must put forth in your custom exhibits is extremely high. After all, this is how you are presenting your company to the world. A sub par display booth design is certain to get a reprimand from a superior.
There are some general rules to follow when creating a trade show exhibit display. Besides a professional look, it must be easily visible from afar as well as have a succinct design. More than half of your booth designs should be empty space. A cluttered design can overwhelm visitors to your trade show exhibit display as well as distract from your message. Your font size needs to be large enough to be visible from afar. Make the text an inch taller for every twelve inches of distance you except viewers to stand.
An interactive exhibit design can be fun as well as attract a greater audience; therefore spreading the message of you exhibit and the name of your business farther. Basically, you want to engage the visitors to a greater degree. Sure, you could simply regurgitate some quaint speech to anyone who stops, but you would be better off to give them something to do. Make sure they are enjoying the experience. Tell them why your business is great.