The term “torque” is used as a measurement to explain an object’s ability to rotate against resistance. An example of torque is the amount of pressure you put on a bike pedal to get the wheels to rotate. When the gears are higher, the less resistence the pedal has and lower torque needed to move them. The lower the gears, the higher torque required.
As you can imagine, from research and development through production, there must be an extremely precise torque equation for every nut, bolt, and fastener within every part of the manufacturing industry. A miscalculation of a torque equation can lead to quality and safety issues in the product. The following best practices are recommended for accurate torque measurements:
Selecting the Right Torque Measurement Tool
There are a wide range of instruments for measuring the torque equation of a part. It is important to use the torque analyzers that are best suited to the particular setup of the part. The amount of torque needed, the type of material used in the part, and the desired outcome all determine the type of torque sensor that is appropriate for your job. Take the time to educate yourself on torque measurement products, go over detailed specifications with a torque measurement expert, review demos of the torque sensors to ensure it meets your needs.
Implement Torque Audits
Torque measurements should be taken before, during, and after production of a moving part. Simply screwing in a fastener or bolt until it’s tight leaves room for huge issues. A fastener worth three cents that doesn’t have a proper torque setting could be the downfall of the entire part. Throughout production you should implement torque audits that validates the design, tightening tools, and materials used.
Implement Training
The best torque tools are only as good as the operator who uses them. Make training on appropriate use of the tools, safety protocol, calibration, and maintenance a priority for all employees who work with them. Task training anyone who works with the torque tools is as important as investing in quality equipment and maintaining it.
Test the Torque Testers
Over time, tools that measure torque in production wear out and become unreliable. It is important to calibrate your torque sensors as recommended by the manufacturer. Calibrating your torque sensor involves taking the same measurements with both the instrument being tested and one with proven accuracy. If the measurements are the same, you know that your torque sensor is reading properly. If the measurements between the test instrument and the standard are different, you know your torque sensor is off.
Perform Torque Tool Maintenance
In addition to regularly calibrating your torque tools, you should perform regular maintenance as directed by the tool supplier. You should also take into consideration the degree of usage, the prior calibration results, and the desired precision in developing a maintenance schedule. Some companies set maintenance guidelines every six months, some only require it once a year, or less if tools aren’t used frequently. Once you determine an appropriate maintenance schedule, budget an appropriate amount of resources to follow that schedule.