When you walk into the greeting card isle at the grocery store, have you ever felt like you could make better cards? Add in a better punch line on a “funny” card? Design a card with better images?
If you answered yes to all these questions, why not make your own photo greeting cards? You may think that you need to have a professional photo lab, or professional printing to create a card that people will love. But in actuality, when you make your own photo greeting cards, you have the liberty to be as innovative as you want, add in any colors and images you want, and write in any poem, quote, or limerick you desire. And they will probably turn out just as great as a professionally-printed card.
It’s not all that hard either. Here are few tips on how to get started.
- Sketch Out Ideas. When you make personalized photo greeting cards, it is important to know what kind of cards you want to design. Get some scrap paper out, and play with your ideas. Do you want to make funny cards? Heartwarming ones? Holiday cards? Depending on your preferences, you can create model cards and mix colors, shapes and pictures you want to add to the cards.
- Buy Supplies. The best way to piece together your first sample card is to buy a bunch of supplies. Ribbon, glue, scissors, markers, stickers, foam pieces, fake jewels, lace, and a host of other craft supplies are a great way to get started. Once you buy all the creative tools you need, you can get to work like a mad scientist. Once you have printed out any photos you want to use, you can also use these to drive your design.
- Get Out There. If you are really impressed with your final design, and you have created custom envelopes to go with the cards, why not market your cards to the public? Chances are that if you love what you’ve created, others will too. You can visit local gift shops and talk to them about placing a few cards in their store to see if they sell. You might end up doing this for free publicity at first, but if your cards are a hit, you could make some money off of them. You can also market them online on online photo greeting card sites.
So, when you make your own photo greeting cards, it can be oodles of fun, and could potentially turn into a profitable hobby you may never have considered. Find out more at this site.