Everyone wants to know the secret to success in the sales industry. You might be especially curious about tips and tricks to get to the top if you’re still looking for your starting job in sales. If it makes you feel better, a lot of people struggle at first to find their way into the industry. If you have what it takes, though, you shouldn’t have any trouble connecting with the career in sales you’ve dreamed of.
Did you know that about 12.3% of all jobs in the U.S. are sales positions? And according to USA Today, employers are dealing with “a shortage of qualified sales associates” and are desperate to find great sellers for their products and services.
How can you connect with the best paid sales jobs out there? It isn’t as hard as you think. Here are three top tips for getting the job of your dreams.
1. Reach Out to Contacts for a Job in Sales
Even in the age of the internet, a person-to-person contact remains one of the best ways to get your foot in the door for an interview. This doesn’t mean, though, that you can’t use your favorite websites to connect. Look for friends already in the sales business, or who work in industries that use sales people. If you have 300 Facebook connections, at least one of them is likely to match up. You’d be surprised how often people know of a job opening and can give you a reference. Most of them time, though, they’re not going to mention it unless they’re asked.
2. Think of Your Interview as a Sale
Nobody wants to hire someone who’s going to panic during a phone call with a client. The key to a great interview isn’t knowing the answer to everything: it’s being able to answer everything like you either know the answer, or aren’t afraid to admit that you’re confused. Confidence without egotism is a good trait to put forth. One way to make sure you’re on the right page is to videotape yourself going through with a mock interview. You might be surprised to realize that you don’t smile as often as you think, and that you twist your ear when you’re nervous.
3. Give Your Opinion on Their Business
This is a step with a caveat. You can definitely impress sales reps interviewers by explaining improvements you think the company could make. That said, your suggestions should be both constructive critique, and well-researched. One non-profit childcare center in Williamsville, NY recalls how an applicant — who was a man — criticized them for having an all-woman staff. This was not because they refused to hire men — it was just that 90% of their applicants were always women. By not doing his research, the applicant came off as pompous and rude — needless to say, he didn’t get a call back.
Are you looking for a job in sales? Let us know about your search in the comments.