Prepared Ingredients Help Busy Parents Create Healthy Meals

Perishable goods company

The Friday afternoon delivery is something that you look forward to. And while it takes a few minutes to unpack the method that is used in the process of delivering perishable goods, the work is worth the effort. The fact that you can pull fresh ingredients out of the refrigerator and 30 minutes later have a healthy and tasty meal for your family. In fact, with the use of the items that you order from a perishable goods company you have been able to not only provide your husband and daughter with healthy meals, you have also exposed them to a wider variety of vegetables on a weekly basis.
Although the traditional way to prepare a meal is to create a list and go to the store to purchase the ingredients and then start cooking. In a time when more and more Americans are busier than ever, it should not be surprising that prepared ingredients that are delivered to your home are more popular than ever. Once the process of successfully delivering perishable goods was perfected, in fact, a number of companies have started offering meals for families who want to eat at home without the hassle of making lists and grocery shopping.

With the use of a reliable food inventory management software package, families can find a way to provide affordable, tasty, and healthy meals once or twice a week.
Delivering Perishable Goods Involves an Industry That Continues to Expand and Grow

From food inventory management software to direct store delivery software, we live in a time when the traditional grocery shopping platform is expanding. And while there are still many families who carry a paper list into the neighborhood grocery store, an increasing number of consumers are getting in the habit of ordering both their individual grocery orders and entire meals online. In fact, with the advancement of services that provide options for delivering perishable goods, traditional grocery stores find that they need to rethink their marketing strategies.

For some stores this might mean taking out the counter that was formally used for picture printing services and transforming that space into a staging area for online grocery deliveries. For other stores, this may mean making sure that they have already prepared packaged ingredients that a hurried parent can pick up after work. In a variety of ways, an increasing number of stores are rethinking the traditional grocery experience that they offer. Consider these facts and figures about the perishable food industry and the way it is expanding in a variety of ways and contributing to the nation’s economy:

  • Food accounts for approximately 13% of a typical U.S. household’s spending. Household spending places third behind the first two spending priorities of housing and transportation.
  • The global agricultural and food industry in the year 2016 was nearly 10% of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP).
  • 61% of shoppers want their produce department to stock more local items. This process, however, relies on a different kind of perishable delivery method than is used for produce that comes from across the country.
  • 750 establishments are part of the U.S. fresh prepared foods manufacturing industry.
  • 80% of the world’s freshwater, 10% of the available energy, and 50% of the land is used in getting food to the tables in America.
  • Between the years 2014 and 2016, dollar sales of the specialty food industry rose by 15%, reaching $127 billion.

If you want to find a way to look forward to the weekend, you might consider ordering from a company that offers to deliver packaged fresh ingredients to your home on a weekly basis. In times when you are more busy than you care to admit, it is important to still find ways to gather for healthy meals with your entire family. If grocery delivering services and prepared ingredients are the way that happens, then so be it. Whatever it is you have to do to make sure that you are getting the quality time with your children and spouse, make sure that you do it. Even if the vegetables are precut and the meat is selected for you, these meals are still close to homemade. Are you ready to place your order?

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