Modular homes were originally built as a more affordable housing option. They are still used as residential households, but have expanded in their usage. Today, modular homes are also used as portable classrooms, temporary churches, and even mobile offices. Their size and low cost make them easily transportable, being one of their biggest advantages. These modular homes turned into portable classrooms and offices also have the following advantages.
Low material requirements
Modular homes require very little in terms of materials. Produced in one fifth the time and at half the cost of site built homes, manufactured housing assembled in a controlled, factory environment uses fewer materials and generates 35 to 40% less waste than comparable site built units. In fact, many customers choose to have their modular home built entirely within the factory environment, and then transported to the site. Design specific characteristics can be created to turn the modular home setting into portable classrooms or office settings.
Reduce upkeep expenses
Because modular homes are much smaller than traditional housing and require less utilities and materials, they are also cheaper to keep up. When schools or churches are on a tight budget, cut buildings costs can be extremely beneficial. These reduced costs are especially beneficial in the church industry. Buildings comprise the second largest area of expense for churches. A permanent building comes with an array of ongoing and hidden costs. There is maintenance, repairs, cleaning, electricity, Internet, phone, and security services. Together, these costs can comprise between 30 to 40% of a church?s budget.
Reduced build times
Sometimes, there is a need for quick modular buildings. If a school takes on the enrollment of another district, for example, they are likely to see significant increases in student numbers. This also might happen when an incoming group of students is much more than expected. Traditional buildings take much longer to plan and build. Portable classrooms can solve that problem and provide a form of school portable, until the school addition is finished. Modular construction decreases design and construction time by up to 50%, with fewer change orders, earlier occupancy, and improved cash flow. Some schools and churches may even choose to have a permanent portable classroom on site.
Environmentally friendly
A lot of schools and churches rely on the taxes or donations of its residents. When a building is funded by these payment sources, things like how environmentally friendly the building is matters. A lot of city and state departments are required to meet minimum environmental standards. Traditional buildings for sale are often built with older materials and, unless renovated, are not particularly environmentally friendly. Portable cabins and schools, however, are much better for the environment. They are made with fewer materials and because they are much smaller, require less in utilities. A modular home can also be turned off, when not in use, whereas a traditional building must still have certain utilities.
Increased privacy
Portable classrooms and churches are perfect for privacy. Schools may be limited in rooms with privacy, which is important for counseling or confidential conferences. Churches might want added privacy for pastoral counseling or confessions. Either way, the portable office is perfect for these types of needs. Many modular buildings can actually be converted into multiple private spaces. Both students and church goers alike will appreciate the safe space, thus adding to overall satisfaction.
Most people know what a modular home is. Everyone has seen them clustered together to create a type of residential community. Others are taking these modular homes and turning them into portable school classrooms and temporary churches. A business or department that uses these modular homes for this purpose will find that they use fewer materials during build, that these buildings are more cost effective, that they add a level of privacy, and they are much more environmentally friendly than other forms of buildings.