Long before the advent of Business to Business and Social Media Marketing, direct mail campaigns were reaching a wide variety of customers. The seeds for direct mail campaign were set in the 19th century and many of those tools are still used today.
Montgomery Ward released their first catalog in 1872, helping to revolutionize the marketing and sales industry. Direct mail campaigns were born, and soon people were using on a large and small scale.
Less than 50 years later, World War I soldiers sent their loved ones delicate postcards made of silk mesh. Today, several types of industries still use direct mail campaigns to reach a wider range of customers.
Realtors use real estate direct mail postcards to gain potential home buyers. Political candidates use postcard marketing during elections.
Direct mail can have a greater impact on your audience than a broadcast or print advertisement. Meet with your local direct mail marketing companies and they will be able to find a cost structure that will be effective.
Direct mail campaigns can still reach younger audiences who have grown accustomed to using social media. Recent studies show consumers ages 18 to 34 prefer to receive marketing material through the postal mail rather than online.
Don’t think you can reach people with business postcards? Post-card collecting or deltiology, is one of the three largest collectible hobbies in the world.
Direct mail campaigns still have a place in today’s business climate. Don’t be afraid to go offline to gain customers!
To learn more, read this.