As industry increases, we, too, have to increase our awareness of how it affects the total, global environment. An unchecked century of progress has taken its toll on the planet and it’s up to all of the generations alive now to preserve the planet for everyone who is yet to come. One of the most important ways we can do this is by being mindful of and careful with our supply of water. In the following list we’ll explore a couple different options for protecting our freshwater supply, why we should and what’s at stake. The future is more wild than you might think so we need to be diligent than ever to make sure it doesn’t get out of hand.
- Less is More
It might seem trivial but the first and best option for preserving our fresh water is by monitoring just how much we use each day. It’s easier on water treatment systems, for one thing. The less volume they have to process, the easier is it on the total system output. Industrial wastewater treatment, as well as residential and urban wastewater treatment, are all complex endeavors and it pays to keep their volumes to a minimum. Besides the toll it takes on public systems, using less fresh water is also a sound idea on financial terms. The lower the price of the water bill, the better, right?Of course, the best reason is because it minimizes all manner of impact that an individual or a family can have on the environment. Less groundwater depletion, less contaminated groundwater to begin with. It’s really a matter of simple math. Water used in showers and baths has to go to be processed by groundwater management. The water treatment systems has to take care of it. They do, obviously, but by reducing the amount of water you use, the more naturally fresh water you preserve. It’s all a matter of doing your part while you can.
Alternative Methods
There are also a whole host of other methods you can use to minimize your environmental and water impact, many of which might surprise you. If you live in certain areas, you can buy or construct collections devices that catch and filter rainwater. This can be a little expensive but it saves on time and money in the long-run. Another energy-saving measure is installing more efficient pumps and pipes in your home. These allow for the freer, cleaner flow of water than what you might find in some older homes. In tandem with this, investing in solar or wind energy helps as well. While it might not seem connected to water, it pays to remember that, underneath the surface, all of these efforts are connected. These forms of energy are far more efficient and will, in turn, save on the water usage that goes into large-scale industrial development. By doing a little at a time in areas that are all separate, you can change the world. It just takes a little effort and forward thinking.
What’s at Stake
There’s no good way to understate the benefits brought about by the combined effect of all these efforts. The future of the planet is at stake, of course, but that’s a generalization. It’s more than that. Making better water treatment systems, better roads, better homes, is going to ensure that the next generations have it better than we have it. That’s no more or less than the goal of society. One of the goals. By caring, we ensure that everyone after us will care about the beauty and (sometimes scary, sometimes astounding) power of nature. It’s all in the precedent we set. These things can seem too big for one person- it takes a lot of people to run factories, water treatment systems, etc. But it’s not about the macro. It’s about the micro. It’s about the small moments. It only takes one drop to make an entire ocean, after all. So maybe today, maybe tomorrow, take a shorter shower. Get your pipes checked. Do one thing at a time and the world will follow.