Two more days and the first round of home football games are here. The fact that the first game of the season is at home means that the fans will have a chance to see the new LED signs that have been installed around the stadium. The older school marquee signs have moved outside of the stadium and the hope is that the LED signs will be easier to see from even the seats that are the most far from the stadium. School LED signs also provide an opportunity to generate advertising revenue from an easily rotated list of advertisers. And while the school signs at a football stadium do not need to be a source of revenue, it never hurts to have a way to help pay for the new signs that are needed.
From church marquee signs to other kinds of outdoor LED displays, the signs that are on a building help connect patrons to a school, clients to a business, and parishioners to a church. A scrolling marquee sign at a school can help remind neighbors of an upcoming school event, while a simple lighted church sign can announce the name of Sunday morning’s sermon. What message would you be sending if you had a powerful new sign to reach your desired audience?
- Giving the news that the community needs is the purpose of many signs in a community. It is important, for instance, to make sure that the community members know about important school events.
- Estimates show that 32% of poll respondents indicate that they visited the retailer they saw on a billboard later that same week.
- The addition of a sign can make a huge impact. For instance, studies show that replacing a store front wall sign with a larger sign can increase revenue by as much as 7.7%.
- The decision to add or change a sign always affects revenue.
- How often you change a sign can also determine how effective it is. An electronic sign enables the message that a business or a community service wants to send can be easily altered and changed.
- Estimates indicate that 71% of people frequently look at the messages on roadside billboards. both traditional signs and signs that also combine traditional signage and digital sign methods.
- Whether it is a church or a school, or a business or a government agency, the use of signs helps present information and updates.
- Outdoor ads are extremely effective. In fact, as many as 37% of people responding to a survey report looking at an outdoor ad each or most of the time they pass one.
- Research indicates that 35% of people would not have discovered a business had it not been for their sign.
- Distance matters as well. in fact, 85% of a business’s customers work or live within a five mile radius of the business’s location.
- Of people responding to a poll, 26% indicated that they remembered a phone number on an outdoor billboard. In addition, 28% indicated that they remembered a web site address that was written on an outdoor billboard.
- Unless you pay attention to the signs of your building, you may not be getting the attention that you need from your potential customers and clients.
- The value of an on-site sign is equal to the exposure that is gained by placing 24 full page size newspaper advertisements each year.
Signs serve a number of purposes, but the bottom line is they really function to GET THE WORD OUT to customers and consumers, patrons and parishioners.