Having trouble paying bills? Need to improve your credit rating and overall finances? If this sounds like you, you may need to look into a bank you can trust to help you with setting up a checking or savings account or even refinancing your home. If you’re financing could use some improvement, check out these three tips on bank accounts and refinancing your mortgage, including jumbo mortgage refinances.
1. In the United States, there are an estimated 821,000 households with no bank arrangements whatsoever. Additionally, about 29.3% of households have no savings account in place, and only two-thirds of all households in the US have both checking and saving accounts. If you have no banking in place, or are only banking with a checking account, be sure to open both checking and savings accounts. Having these accounts will help you manage your money easier, and having your assets in the bank will ensure that you have a better credit rating in the event of any financial background checks.
2. If you are a homeowner, refinancing your mortgage while interest rates are low–which is right now–can save you a substantial amount of money on your mortgage and housing costs. You can also build equity on a home loan faster when you refinance thanks to the refinancing interest rate and other terms and conditions. Whether you need a simple refinance or need a specific program, such as a second mortgage refinance or an FHA mortgage refinance, you’re sure to find something to help you save money.
3. If you have a high-priced property, such as a luxury home, that needs refinancing, it may be time to consider a jumbo mortgage refinance. While these loans may have slightly higher interest rates, refinancing your mortgage is a great way to build equity. The sooner you complete a jumbo mortgage refinance, the better, as the largest discounts available will be in the first year of your mortgage.
Don’t let your credit and assets suffer, or, worse, end up losing your home! Visit your bank today to see what you can do to improve your finances. Get more here: www.fhbank.com