When driving around this winter, you might notice many illuminated outdoor business signs that are anything but.
That’s because when the temperatures drop, the neon and fluorescent-lit signs that adorn many business’ facades will go out. If it’s just one or two letters in the business’ name, the sign’s appearance will likely make potential customers scoff, not want to shop there.
How does the weather affect whether a sign works or not? In neon signs, low temperatures cause the gases inside them to break down, which means they no longer produce light like they should, or the glass tubes can shatter due to drastic temperature fluctuations, according to a November 18 St. Cloud Times article. Low temperatures also take a toll on fluorescent lighting by weakening the electronic ballasts that control the current to the light.
And during the busiest time of year for repairing custom signs, it’s important to point out that repairing a broken neon small business sign has become incredibly expensive — and many small business owners are encouraged to switch to more energy-efficient and durable custom LED signs, the St. Cloud Times reports.
Small businesses have a number of great reasons to invest in LED signage. For one, the cost of lighting up custom LED signs is less than 10% the cost of running a neon sign — and LED lights have a lifespan up to three times longer than neon and fluorescent lights.
How can you tell if your business’ neon sign is on its way out and should be repaired or replaced? According to the St. Cloud Times, white neon light will slowly start to appear pink, then red before it completely goes out.
Considering the benefits of an LED sign, replacing your business’ neon signs for a custom LED sign will help keep your business visible to customers during any time of the year — and at any temperature.
Have any questions on how or when you should get your LED business signs repaired? Go ahead and ask in the comments below.