Are you looking to make some new investments? Maybe you have never made any investments before and are not entirely sure where to get started. It can be difficult deciding how to invest your hard earned money so that it continues to earn even more money for you. Don?t let the fear of making a mistake stop you from taking a chance on investing your money in something worthwhile. With the right amount of research, the help of a consultant and a smart decision, you can turn your money into even more money with time.
One of the best things to invest your money in is real estate. Real estate investment opportunities are rampant, and many have become successful at passively investing their hard earned money into real estate so that they can turn a profit. Keep reading to learn all about investment opportunities in real estate and how a real estate investment advisor or different consultants can help you get started.
Real estate investing is actually quite popular in the United States. Out of all the ways to passively invest your income, many opt to do it in the real estate industry. Better Homes and Gardens surveyed investors in the United States to see how they feel about real estate. Survey results came back reporting that, when it comes to real estate, 89 percent are interested in investing. Additionally, for those who have already invested in real estate, 96 percent believe it was a worthwhile decision that has led to financial success for them personally.
Another option for investing is in the stock market. Around 52 percent of people living in the United States already invest their money in the stock market. If you are going to go this route, make sure to keep a diversified portfolio. You will reduce risk while increasing your gain if you try to invest in 25 to 30 stocks at a time. Don?t forget to regularly look into your stock portfolio. By checking into your stock portfolio at least once a year, you can prevent any financial devastations or losses.
If you choose to invest in real estate over the stock market, one of the best paths to go down is investing in student housing near colleges and universities. In the United States alone, by 2025 there is expected to be 19.8 million students enrolled in schools according to the National Center for Education Statistics. All of these students will need housing near the campuses in order to continue attending school. It is a type of real estate that will never go out of demand making it a dependable invest for you.
With the help of a real estate investment professional, you can decide how to get started investing in student housing. A real estate consultant may even recommend student housing as your first investment. In fact, in 2016 34 percent of individuals who were making their first real estate investments opted to do so in student housing.
If you do invest in student housing as your real estate option, you can expect to see gains. Last year, transactions increased by 62 percent from 2015 and were three times as high as they were in 2014. According to Real Capital Analytics, transactions reached 9.6 billion dollars for student housing. Although investing in anything, whether it is the stock market or real estate, can be a big risk to take, if you start in an area like student housing, you may be more likely to see success upfront. This makes it a great place to start passively investing your income rather than investing it in a riskier option for your first time.
Have you ever invested your income in something else? What did you choose to passively invest your income in? If you chose to invest in real estate, what tips and advice do you have for others? Let us know in the comments about your experience investing.