How Cloud Services are Affecting Technology

Cloud service broker

Cloud brokerage services are basically services that are available to Internet users on demand. They come from cloud computing provider’s servers instead of a specific company’s on site server. Cloud services are typically designed to have easy access to applications and resources. They are managed and looked after by cloud services brokers. Cloud service meets the needs of its users by supplying different kinds of software as well as hardware that is needed. A company need not provide or deploy it’s own services in order to get IT people to run the service. Any kind of online data storage and backup programs as well as email and collaboration services are all under the umbrella of cloud services.

Cloud service brokers generally works as mediators between the cloud provider and the company. This helps to promote the relationship that providers have with the consumers. They offer them consulting and integration services as well as the offer to help providers to learn how to develop a functioning cloud services broker model. Here are some of the offers that cloud services brokers can offer according to the model:

  1. Strategy
    The customer will need the ability to adapt to a quickly changing marketplace. As they use their cloud more and more, they will need to learn how to make changes that fit the needs of themselves as well as provider partners.

  2. Partnership
    This is referring to a partnership between cloud services brokers and the cloud provider. This is just as crucial as the relationship with the customer. A provider has to feel like the cloud broker is essential to their process.

  3. Future
    A good cloud service broker will understand and have a plan for what is next. The cloud broker model is constantly changing to fit the market. Despite what industry leaders say, cloud computing brokers are not obsolete or deemed but are just trying to get out of the chaos. One this happens, there will be a whole new breakthrough for them.

  4. Definition
    One of the main services that cloud brokers should offer is definitions to local jargon and the ability to understand completely what the model does before even using it.

Cloud services are being seen as a new IT function that is crucial to an organization if it wants to grow and become more valuable. As companies begin to use more and more cloud services, the cloud service broker model is becoming increasingly popular. In order to speed up a company’s inclusion of the cloud, here are three main areas that a cloud service broker has to address.

  • Aggregation, which allows for the use of the cloud be other users through a cloud application market which has been approved for consumption by the company owner’s.
  • Integration, which makes sure that any cloud applications on the same device are communicating and exchanging data with one another in order to orchestrate organized business processes.
  • Customization, which helps cloud services with changes to data and information like enhancing security as well as things like compliance.

The main obstacle regarding cloud services is that in comparison to some of the on site software that companies use, it can seen relatively immature. However, the ability to severely customize the cloud should help companies to see the other benefits of it, while at the same time meeting any goals and visions and business objectives. Some of the more positive aspects of the cloud are:

  • Reduction of risk because of heightened security and compliance.
  • More value and visible due to analysis.
  • Simpler audit trails and enforcement of policies.
  • The ability to streamline the entire selection process.4

    Moving to the cloud is ultimately changing the way that the IT department functions, in general. IT used to be a provider of technology but a better way to describe it now would be an enabler of the ability to consume technology. Whether you decide to outsource this new function or preform in internally is really dependent on the company and what it’s main goals are. If the company prefers operation funding or does not have a core IT department then it might be a better idea to outsource. Also, if the employees are having to rely largely on any number of cloud providers, then it might be safter to have a third party handle the function.

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