While human error is by definition almost inevitable, it can have a destructive and disruptive impact in the workplace. Especially in industries like pharmaceuticals, oil, manufacturing, and aviation, it can lead to costly and even dangerous mistakes. Corrective Action Preventative Training (CAPA) can help employers and workers to identify recurring problems and create procedures to prevent them. Employees can also take capa online training for greater workplace safety and for regulatory compliance.
The problem of human error
Human error is by definition inevitable in any setting. However, in crucial manufacturing settings like pharmaceuticals, the oil industry, and aviation, it can have expensive and even disastrous results. At the least, it can result in unplanned down time and delayed production schedules. As many as 90% of all workplace accidents are caused by human error.
In the Drug and Device Manufacturing Industry, 80% of the problems are attributed to human error. In general, almost a quarter or 23% of all unplanned down time in manufacturing is due to human error. This leads to delays in the production schedule while repairs are done and mistakes corrected. As many as 45% of all manufacturers feel that they can do more to prevent accidents in their operations. Human error prevention tools are one way to do this.
Human error prevention training
Human error investigations show that there are three basic kinds of errors. These have been identified by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) as slips and lapses, mistakes, and violations. Human error reduction tools devise procedures and training to reduce and prevent all three types of errors.
Human error reduction training focuses on correcting recurring problems and on setting up procedures to prevent these from happening again. This can be done through CAPA training. Employees can take CAPA training online courses, for regulatory compliance purposes as well. The goal of the training is to set up procedures to replace poor practices that lead to errors.
Causes of workplace errors
A heavy workload, stress and lack of communication are some of the most important factors behind human error in the workplace. Stress takes a toll on productivity as well as safety, and over half or 51% of employees say that workplace stress makes them less productive. A large percentage of workers feel that they are coping with heavy workloads n a regular basis. Over 80% of employees feel that on their jobs, too few people are expected to do too much work.
Lack of communication is another important factor in human error in the workplace. In fact, the failure of employers to share information is the top complaint of workers. And conversely, about half of all employees felt that they were more productive and motivated once their employers had shared important information and data.
Human error in the workplace can lead to accidents, delays, and higher costs. CAPA training online tries to identify the causes of recurring errors and to find procedures to prevent these from happening again. CAPA training online can help to make the workplace safer and more productive. It also helps to ensure regulatory compliance.