In America, politics and social progress go hand-in-hand. To improve local government proceedings, state residents are expected to agree on certain terms of legislation, as well as various appointments for suitable representation.
To understand specific aspects of power and social development, lobbying is an operative way to get the concerns of the people out to local politicians. Through ethical lobbying, politicians can learn about government affairs, government relations, and strategic communications. Lobbying can spotlight public affairs that impact social order and justice. Without lobbying, it’d be difficult to get bills passed because politicians wouldn’t be as exposed to immediate issues. Instead, politicians would have their own agendas to push, rather than knowing and addressing the needs of the public.
For example, in New Jersey, one lobbying firm worked to get a bill passed to help boost the local economy. The bill was controversial because it pertained to sports betting. Sports betting is a form of gambling; since it’s a common monetary outlet, the people of New Jersey have worked with political leaders to try and pass this bill. As a result, in approximately two years, sports betting may be a legal financial resource.
Nonetheless, for now, New Jersey sports betting is still illegal. During the summer of 2015, in Philadelphia, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals rejected New Jersey’s appeal to legalize sports betting, bringing the decision down to a 2-1 majority.
To get ahead, the people of New Jersey have to identify their own working systems, and then craft bills that’ll supplement their economy, as well as their reputation. Currently, New Jersey is credited for many of its educational advancements and means of employment.
As a matter of fact, the independent universities and colleges in New Jersey employ upwards of 17, 000 people. Moreover, aside from its achievements in higher education, New Jersey schools are also known for having the fourth best math and reading test scores, as well as the second lowest dropout rate, in the nation! Because education is such a vital aspect of New Jersey, New Jersey lobbying seems to be effectively proposing better programs for academic advancement.
Beyond the basics, intelligent lobbying involves finding the best ways to improve a community, and then finding the best ways to get the message out to those who have the power to make serious changes.
For instance, as a major tourist spot, the people of New Jersey knew that they had to rebuild and renovate. Consequently, just last year, in Jersey City, about $1.7 million was put into a fund to conduct street paving, as a way to restore commercial roads and highways. Without reliable roads to commute on, the New Jersey economy wouldn’t be as successful as it is.
In an effort to increase public involvement for passing legislation, a new bill (A4613) has come up for debate. Specifically, this new bill mandates that pre-election materials print in more languages; this way, more people can read and know what’s happening during elections. Based on data gathered from July 25th to August 1st, this new bill has been supported by about two-thirds of the 867 individuals surveyed.
Overall, it’s one thing to get things done, but it’s another thing to get things done right!
If you want to help your community, research lobbyist groups that fight to help you.
Your voice matters…
In the end, how will you be heard?