With digital marketing growing in popularity, many proponents of online advertising have shunned more traditional methods of lead generation. While services such as pay per click ads and social media campaigns can have tremendous effects for some companies, almost all can benefit from having printed materials available such as marketing brochures and print flyers for their customers and clients.
Why use printed marketing brochures or other materials in the age of the internet? There are plenty of reasons, one of the biggest being that this is a simple way to deliver detailed information about your products or services to your customers. However, there are plenty of other benefits to using printed advertising brochures, as well. Check out the top five reasons to use printed marketing brochures and other materials below:
1. Brochures have a variety of uses. Many people associate print marketing methods with direct mail campaigns. While this is one option for your company, there are plenty of other uses for printed brochures and booklets. Leave-behind brochures are perfect for one-on-one meetings, and point-of-sale brochures can persuade customers to look into additional services in the checkout line. The possibilities are endless and can be tailored to any business.
2. Marketing brochures can give your company the credibility it deserves. While internet marketing is fantastic for start-ups and small businesses, having full color brochures to distribute to clients and customers is a fantastic way to gain customer interest. Also, having printed materials to hand out gives your company a polished image to show that you take what you do seriously.
3. Brochures and other printed materials are an easy way to connect with customers. Information can be as formal or casual as you like, but giving information on what products and services your business offers can help explain to customers in a friendly tone what it is your company does. Answering customer questions within a brochure can help prospective buyers know if your business is the right fit for their needs.
4. In addition to a personal touch with regard to customer concerns, having a brochure is also a good way to provide clients with contact information. It can also give customers a way to see what options are available for purchase or even explain a method for purchasing items or services, such as by phone, in store, or online.
5. Some believe that using print marketing is expensive. However, the more you order, the less you spend per item. Ordering printed materials in bulk can save your company serious money when comparing the cost per brochure or mailing. Also, most printing companies offer plenty of deals and incentives to make print marketing available to all businesses.
Document printing services can do more than just creating brochures. They can also provide your company with business card printing, direct mail advertising, and catalog printing services, among other print marketing strategies. Talk to a print marketing agency today or leave comments below if you have questions on how print marketing can help your business.