Finding the Right High Quality Signs for Your Business

A business is successful when it reaches the right consumer base. In this day and age, when we are all bombarded with information, technology, and advertising, it can seem difficult for a business to know the right way to get through to people. But sometimes it helps to remember that going back to basics can often do more than exploring an extensive or extravagant new system. Having the right high quality signs to grab the attention of potential customers or clients could make all of the difference.

Getting the right high quality signs in place

From big, colorful outdoor signs to custom signage that catches the eye of a passerby through its unique quality, a good sign can make a big difference for a business. Think of your potential consumer base who does not yet know your business exists. Or new customers who might have found you online or heard about your business through word of mouth, but are trying to find your location for the first time. Without proper signage out front, these valuable customers could be passing by your establishment without even realizing it.

While you do not want something that will stand out in an obnoxious way, you do not want something that too subtly blends in to the surroundings of your business either. It might take a bit of trial and error to come up with the signage that fits your business best, but when you do find the perfect custom sign designs, you will likely see your business begin to flourish.

The importance of a good, well placed sign

Most businesses have transitioned to have a heavy online presence over the recent years, which is generally a good thing. A highly visible, easily accessible website is certainly important, especially as technology becomes more and more prevalent, and continues to evolve. But to neglect your brick and mortar location would be a mistake. High quality signs can sometimes do just as much, if not more, than some types of advertising. About 85% of the customers who frequent a company live within a five mile radius of that business. Those who are in such close proximity are seeing that high quality signage some 50 times a week. And it has been estimated that properly placed signage can be as valuable as 24 full page newspaper ads.

Good signage is crucial. About 70% of consumers feel that the quality of the signage at a business reflects on the quality of the business itself, and around 60% of consumers have said that the absence of a good sign kept them from going into a business. People want to know where to go for what they need. Guide them to your business with the right signage.

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