Examining The Benefits Of CNC Machining

If you’re in the manufacturing business or machining business, odds are you’re relying more and more computer-numerical control (CNC) machining, which includes operations once operated by engineers such as a lathe tool, shaping machines, vertical millers and other machine shop supplies.

In some cases, CNC machining has replaced operator-controlled equipment entirely. There are many benefits of turning to CNC machining for machining needs including speed, accuracy and exact production. Whether you’re producing large quantities of a product or small batches, CNC machining, used in conjunction with tools like machinist blocks (or 1-2-3 blocks) is making things easier.

The industries using CDC machining are growing by the day and include:

  • Automotive
  • Construction
  • Military
  • Dental
  • Transportation
  • Agriculture

One of the greatest benefits of CNC machining is that one skilled operator can operate several machines whereas in the past each machine or process might need several operators on hand to make it run smoothly. As a result of so many industries needing materials in large quantities, CNC machines can makes complex cuts and cut at difficult angles with speed and precision. Tools like a kurt milling machine vise and machinist blocks are often used on CNC machines for setting up parts, especially for complex cuts.

The biggest question you’re probably asking is whether or not CNC machining is better than conventional machining. Both processes aim to achieve the same goal, but CNC takes care of much of the manual labor required by conventional machining. Software can be programed on a machine to cut parts the exact same way each time, whereas conventional machining might require more trial and error when it comes to doing the job right or more manual labor and tools like a kurt milling machine vise and machinist blocks to make sure everything is aligned correctly to do the job the same way each time.

There’s nothing wrong with conventional machining, but CNC machining can take care of the following cutting processes with more ease:

  • Drill
  • Cut
  • Bore
  • Turn
  • Wield
  • Lathe
  • Engrave

CNC machines are programmed to be precise to within 1/1000th and have remarkable endurance, able to run round-the-clock as often as needed unless maintenance has to be performed. CNC machining is also safer since there are less operators involved and they operate from a distance instead of having to handle equipment such as a kurt milling machine vise, drill bits and lathes directly. They’re incredibly versatile too, able to tackle everything from gun parts to dental implants to machinist blocks to military defense materials.

For whatever type of machining you’re going, CNC machining makes a lot of simple, everyday processes much easier. They cut down on the amount of labor needed to operate machines and can complete tasks with a high rate of precision. Due to equipment and technology upgrades, CNC workers workers can achieve tolerances as small as .005 inches.

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