Whether for industrial or home use, steam systems operate on the same basic principals that are essential for an efficient industrial or home environment.
Maintenance is key when dealing with any kind of steam system. Regular steam trap maintenance ensures that systems with leaking traps stay around 5 percent, as compared to much higher percentages in systems that are not regularly maintained. It is important to check the steam pressure table, distributor, steam safety valve and other steam trap parts when performing maintenance.
Regular maintenance and inspection will ensure that you get your money’s worth from your steam traps, as well as purchasing high quality parts such as sarco traps. No matter what application or context your steam system belongs to, the following tips will help ensure that your traps will stay at optimum importance.
How often should inspections be performed?
High pressure steam systems (150 psig or higher) must be expected weekly or monthly depending on the kind of system you have and the frequency with which it is used. Low pressure systems, only need to be checked once annually.
Why is it important that I perform routine maintenance on my steam system?
While sporadically or improperly maintained steam systems can be hazardous, they also can do a number on your finances via waste. You could be losing up to $8,000 each year with an inefficient or improperly maintained steam traps. If not maintained at at all, up to 30% of steam traps fail with three to five years. Efficiency is key when considering a maintenance schedule for your steam system.
Sarco traps and other standard industry steam traps come with a one year warranty, and most systems last between three to seven years. With routine inspection, you can extend the life of your system.