Experts have gathered enough data to project that by the year of 2019, LED lights will manage to achieve a 53% penetration of the global lighting market. To put it simply, this means that the global lighting market is going to be dominated by LED lights in the near future. This is because it is not only the most efficient form of lighting but it is also the highest-quality available to most people.
A recent survey was conducted involving people and their interactions with business signs. This survey revealed that just about 35% of all people stated that they would not have discovered a business if they had not seen it’s sign. So, this is just a statistic to help get the ball rolling on the idea that digital signs can be incredibly important to businesses across the country.
Studies have recently shown that the simple act of adding or changing a sign will directly improve the sales revenue of a business. Furthermore, replacing a storefront wall sign with a larger sign helps increase a business’ revenue by nearly 7.7%. So this again points right to the idea that utilizing digital signs is a great way for businesses to improve their sales and get traffic for their business.
Just about 85% of a business’s customers live or work within a five-mile radius of its location. While this is a nice starting point for businesses, the right kind of electronic signs and LED signs can help expand this customer range. As a result, businesses can pull in customers from all over the area to buy their products and items.
One business that is ahead of the curve in this regard is none other than Best Buy. Best Buy has long been utilizing large digital signs to their benefits and the numbers speak to this. As a matter of fact, 17% of Best Buy’s walk-in customers did so because of its sign.
LED signs for businesses are incredibly valuable. A recent study has revealed that the value of an on-site sign is just about the same as a 24-page full newspaper ad. This means that people will get more for their money when they invest in digital signs as opposed to any other form of advertising and marketing.
Including both traditional and digital combined, just about 71% of people often look at the messages on roadside billboards. As a result, this means that people are often looking at these messages and that is just another way in which the right kind of full color LED signs can help a business out. Expanding the range of customers that a business can reach is easily done by using digital signs.
Just about 37% of all people have reported that they have looked at an outdoor advertisement basically every time they pass one. This means that people feel a need inside of themselves to take a peek at an advertisement when they go by it. So using digital signs is a clear cut way to promote products and deals.
A recent poll was conducted that yielded a number of different results. First and foremost, 58% of poll respondents 18 years or older learned about an event they were interested in attending from a billboard. Secondly, 58% of poll respondents Learned about a restaurant they later visited from a billboard they saw while in their car.
Of poll respondents, 26% noted a phone number or Web site address, 28%, written on an outdoor billboard. Just about 68% of poll respondents frequently or sometimes make their shopping decisions while in the car. Finally, 32% of poll respondents visited the retailer they saw on a billboard later that week.
In Conclusion
Every single year there are businesses across the country that hold meetings, conferences, and business conference calls to figure out the new trends in marketing and advertising. This is because businesses truly value the idea of trying to get ahead of their competition. With this being the case, there is no question that now is the time to invest in digital signs. As previously mentioned, most businesses are now getting on board with this idea. So it is time to strike before the market comes inflated for digital signs.