Pharmaceutical products play a very important role in most of our lives. In the United States, just under half of the adult population (48.5%) used at least one prescription medication over the last month. There are many different medical packaging techniques that pharmaceutical packaging companies can use for keeping those medications safe and secure. Drug companies need to pay close attention to the design of the packaging of their products.
Tips to Picking The Best Medical Packaging Design:
- Find a great pharmaceutical packaging partner. Unlike other industries, medical packaging techniques and products are subject to a lot of governmental scrutiny. Moreover, the rules that are in place today, may change tomorrow. You need to work with a partner who is both well equipped to deliver the best quality packaging products but who also has a compliance department to keep up with all of the current and ever changing regulations. The earlier you can involve them in your process, the better. An experienced pharmaceutical packaging company can help prevent problems and will troubleshoot issues as they arise. It is important to consider your packaging to be a critical part of the marketing of your products and it will impact your bottom line.
- Think through your end user. For each product for which you are looking at different medical packaging techniques, you need to consider both the product that you are sending out and the patient who will be using it. for instance, there are several options for bottles. They can be made to be child-safe or can be easier for older adults to open. If you have a new arthritis medication, you may want to make sure patients can get these bottles open with snap off or twist off tops. You have the same kinds of options for pouches. They can be easy to tear, have a zip lock or come in a child proof container.
- Save money with high quality materials. When it comes to the different medical packaging techniques and bottle packaging designs, you will pay for your packaging now or later. If you pay more for higher quality materials in the manufacturing process, you will save later in product recalls and patient problems. If you choose to pay less and get inferior materials, you will pay more when these packaging products fail later. The other problem with not going with top of the line materials for your packaging is that returns and recalls do a lot of damage to your brand reputation. If you are an established pharmaceutical company, that may not be as big a deal but for smaller companies, it can be very detrimental. Companies, medical professionals and patients may judge the quality of your medication based on the quality of the packaging. You do not want to start off on the wrong foot if you can avoid it.
- Consider the environment. Many people today want to get their products with the smallest amount of packaging. For some products, such as those that require a pre filled syringe, you need extra packaging such as blister packaging but there are a lot of medicines that do not need too much excess packaging. You can also use recyclable products. Consumers today respond very well to recyclables and are accustomed to recycling most plastic they bring into their homes. You can cut down on using styrofoam and use corrugated products instead. That means when you ship your products to pharmacies and other stores around the country and globe, you can reduce your carbon footprint.
- Be creative. You have a lot of options with your packaging. Depending on what your product is, you can find packaging that is catered to what you are selling. You have multiple options for bottles, pouches and different ways to deliver pills.
Pharmaceutical packaging is not like other kinds of packaging in a lot of ways. You have to comply with a bevy of regulations and rules that other industries know nothing about. At the same time, your product packaging has to reflect you and your brand. This is why there are so many medical packaging techniques and designs at your disposal. They say that, “necessity is the mother of invention” and that is definitely true for pharmaceutical packaging.