If you or someone you love has lived a life that was aware of the environment, wouldn’t it make sense to make end of life plans in keeping with that philosophy? If you are expecting, or have already experienced, a loved one passing you might be in the difficult process of deciding how to respectfully treat the ashes of your relative or friend. If you loved one lived a life that was simple and lived a life that left as small an environmental footprint as possible, you might consider one of many styles of biodegradable cremation urns for storing the remains.
People who live environmentally aware lives have the option of doing the same in their end of life plans. It is estimated that the 22,500 cemeteries across the Unites States bury nearly 827,060 gallons of embalming fluid every year. Green burials can significantly reduce this number. According to the Green Burial Council, more than 300 approved eco-friendly burial providers in the U.S. today offer options other than traditional caskets and urns. For example, natural burial in a biodegradable coffin reduces carbon emissions by 50% when you compare them with traditional burials, according to the Natural Death Centre.
Biodegradable cremation urns offer an end of life option that may be in keeping with you or your loved ones lifestyle. In addition, the decision to plan for a green burial can significantly reduce memorial costs. Most traditional funeral costs average $10,000, while green burials are approximately $2,500. Affordable cremation urns allow you to honor the deceased in a fiscally responsible way.
In a society that is increasingly aware of environmental and economic excess, cremation has been a option for more and more people. There has been a 20% jump in national cremation rates over the past decade, according to the most recent statistics from the Cremation Association of North America (CANA). Why not take the cremation process one step further and make the decision to use biodegradable cremation urns for a loved ones remains?
Ash containers that are biodegradable are available in several styles, including some smaller scattering urns which allow for following a loved ones request of distributing remains in more than one location. Losing a loved one is always difficult, but taking the time to consider a burial urn that follows the wishes and the lifestyle of a loved one’s life may help you find comfort while making end of life plans.