New Storage Tanks Can Improve the Efficiency and Reliability of Many Situations

Behind, beneath, and beside. In today’s world of high productivity, there are a number of supporting parts that are unseen. When it comes to farming, for instance, there are a number of concrete water tank liners, water trough liners, and potable water tank linings that get less attention than the large combines do during harvest. These concrete water tank liners and other liner products may not be as glamorous as the tractors and combines that most people think of when they think about the farming industry, but without them productivity would be much less.

Both farm and residential storage tanks that are behind, beneath, and beside bigger buildings and pieces of equipment play integral roles in the success of many industries.

Finding the Right Kind of Tanks Can Help a Business or a Residence Run More Efficiently

Although underground storage tanks of 110 gallons or less are not subject to federal regulations, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, these kinds of tanks are still very important to the health and well being of many Americans.

Consider some of these specifics about the wide use of tank liners:

  • Residential and farm storage tanks containing 1,100 gallons or less of motor fuel for noncommercial purposes are not subject to federal regulations, according to EPA guidelines.
  • The federal government defines an underground storage tank (UST) as any tank, system of tanks, or connected underground piping with at least 10% of their combined volume stored underground.
  • Steel has been used to transport and store water for more than 150 years.
  • An underground tank should typically last 20 years or more, but the tank’s construction, installation, soil conditions and maintenance all play a factor in its life span.
  • 100% of water tanks containing water for human consumption require protective linings and coatings.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maintains a list of 140 chemicals, that when stored in large enough quantities, require their owners to submit a plan for risk management to federal regulators. For this reason, there are a number of private property owners and business owners as well who rely on the highest quality industrial tank liners.

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