Whether you’re going back to school next semester, restocking for the current one, or even have some type of real job that requires some assistance spiral notebook graph paper can have a variety of useful functions. Spiral bound graph paper notebooks contain writing paper with fine lines that make up a grid. They’re usually used to plot graphs of data in fields such as, mathematics, experimental scientific, architecture, and engineering.
In the United States printing and writing paper accounts for nearly half of all paper production. While most of this comes in the form of more traditional paper found in things like composition notebooks or between numbered dividers in 3 ring binders, the spiral notebook graph paper industry certainly has a niche demographic of consumers that rely on their products. Not all of which are created equally or with the same purpose though. Here are three different kinds of spiral notebook graph paper you might need someday.
1.) Standard: Regular graphing paper can also be known as quad paper. The graphing lines are usually printed in light blue or gray and divided in a way that four squares equal one inch. This type of paper is for projects that don’t require a great deal of intricate detail. Millennials plan to spend $913 million of their own money on school supplies and for the average student this will most likely be what they go for.
2.) Engineering Paper: As one could imagine engineering paper is a bit more specific in its design. It’s typically printed on light green or tan translucent paper with the graph lines actually printed on the back side. This allows for the lines to still be seen when the person is working on it, but they disappear when scanned or photocopied. This allows the detailed work to be done with the guidance of the lines, but the ability to produce a clean, uncluttered copy for final presentation. A nice perk considering almost 80% of people think unorganized clutter can hamper productivity.
3.) Genko Yoshi: Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with a lovable green dinosaur. However, it is of Japanese origin! Technically this is manuscript paper as opposed to graphing paper in function, but shares a similar design structure. This type of paper, which is used for the composition of vertical script, is normally printed with 400 squares in two sets of 20 lines of 10.
No matter what you need it for spiral notebook graph paper and be incredibly useful and convenient. Knowing what specific type can help you the most is critical to doing the task at hand most efficiently.