Ensure Your Work Environment is Clean and Fresh With an Eco-Friendly Commercial Cleaning Service

Commercial cleaning bakersfield ca

When you own and/or operate a business, chances are that you’re primarily focused on day-to-day activities that ensure this business is a success. When it comes to keeping your work space clean, however, you may be too busy to take care of this.

While some businesses may request or require that their personnel take turns cleaning floors, surfaces, and other items, such as equipment, others may just not have the time or the inclination to do so. This is where outsourcing your cleaning needs can make a significant difference.

The Importance of Maintaining a Clean Gym or Athletic Facility

When a gym or other type of athletic facility has issues with cleanliness, for example, 88% of adults that participated in a recent survey reported that they wouldn’t exercise there. In addition to 71% of adults that avoid gyms with dirty equipment, 72% of adults won’t return to a gym with unpleasant odors.

Health club members in particular expect their clubs to be clean. The survey showed that 84% of the participants reported that their club met these standards. Chances are that these clubs are using professional cleaning services to accomplish this important goal.

The Importance of Maintaining a Clean Office Space

While the National Association of Professional Organizations has found that paper clutter is considered to be the top problem for most business, there are other issues that affect the workplace environment and productivity. A recent survey showed that 71% of the participants that work in an office stated they’ve become ill due to dirty office spaces. Work surfaces alone can harbor a considerable number of germs.

It’s interesting to note that 20% of the survey’s participants stated they never cleaned their computer mouse. Another 1 out of 10 said they never cleaned their keyboard. Given this, it’s not surprising that germs and illnesses are able to spread throughout an office environment. This can result in employees calling in sick which can translate into reduced productivity.

The Benefits of Hiring a Commercial Cleaning Service

There are quite a few benefits to hiring a commercial cleaning service. Whether you need your office, gym, or another type of business establishment cleaned, outsourcing this service makes sense on multiple levels.

If you’re looking for tips to hire an industry specific cleaning service, there are quite a few benefits to going-green. Given that there are 17,000 petrochemicals currently available to clean homes and other establishments, it’s important to note that only 30% of these have been thoroughly tested for human and environmental exposure.

As a result of all the toxins being released by traditional chemical cleaners. indoor air pollution levels can potentially exceed outdoor levels by as much as 100%. When you hire a professional cleaning service that only uses eco-friendly cleaning products, this can increase your business environment’s cleanliness and improve your indoor air quality.

Another benefit of hiring a commercial cleaning service is that these agencies usually work second or third shift. Since this is usually outside normal operating hours for many business establishments, your space can be thoroughly cleaned when employees, clients, and customers are not present. Once you open your doors for business, your environment will be clean and fresh, both of which are good for business.

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